• In my own foggy lighthouse glass tower.

    I built a glass lighthouse tower
    And filled with fog
    Only entagled can peak in.

    The machines taken over in a night
    Fancy vision they probed deep
    Feeling me naked –
    In my own foggy lighthouse glass tower.

  • How far did we come !

    I wrote a poem like I usually do sometimes.

    One of my friends asked metaAI to explain it, it did OK. But some Brilliance I could see, which used to be reserved for humans until recently.

    Today, I asked chatGTP same question and below is its lengthy explanation. It captured essence of poem very well.


    This poem captures a sense of exhaustion, determination, and the pursuit of a goal, possibly against a backdrop of inner conflict or hardship. Here’s an interpretation of its key elements:

    1. “Middle of the journey”

    • This suggests the speaker is midway through an endeavor or struggle. It could be literal (a physical journey) or metaphorical (a life stage, a challenge, or a pursuit).

    2. “My eyes are burdened, burning and bright red”

    • The imagery here conveys fatigue, both physical and emotional. The redness implies sleeplessness, stress, or overexertion, highlighting the toll the journey has taken.

    3. “I can not stop now”

    • Despite the exhaustion, the speaker is resolute and refuses to give up. This line emphasizes their determination to see things through.

    4. “Time for my three shot poison”

    • “Three shot poison” could symbolize an unhealthy coping mechanism (like alcohol, caffeine, or another vice) that the speaker relies on to keep going. It reflects both dependence and desperation.

    5. “Across the lake, where Salmon sheds salt, there lies my flag.”

    • This is a vivid metaphor. The lake could symbolize a barrier or challenge to be crossed. “Salmon sheds salt” might reference a transformative process (salmon swimming upstream, enduring hardships to spawn), paralleling the speaker’s struggle. The “flag” symbolizes their goal, purpose, or achievement lying just beyond the obstacles.

    6. “I keep rolling day after day.”

    • The speaker endures through monotony and hardship, driven by persistence. This closing line ties the poem together, underscoring the relentless march forward despite difficulties.


    • Perseverance: The poem is a testament to the resilience required to push through tough times.
    • Struggle: The speaker’s journey is fraught with exhaustion and sacrifices.
    • Hope and Goal-Orientation: The “flag” symbolizes hope, a goal worth fighting for.

    The poem speaks to anyone who has faced challenges yet refuses to give in, finding strength in their determination and the dream of a better outcome.

    Original Poem:

    Middle of the journey, 

    My eyes are burdened, burning and bright red. 

    I can not stop now, 

    Time for my three shot poison. 

    Across the lake, 

    where Salmon sheds salt, 

    there lies my flag. 

    I keep rolling 

    day after day.

  • Where Salmon sheds salt

    Middle of the journey,

    My eyes are burdened, burning and bright red.

    I can not stop now,

    Time for my three shot poison.

    Across the lake,

    where Salmon sheds salt,

    there lies my flag.

    I keep rolling

    day after day.

  • Interview Question – (Microbe colony population)

     * Medical research lab. 
     * Phd - student. 
     * microbe - analyze its life cycle. 
     * If you start a microbe colony with a single microbe - it is growing extremely fast compared to other microbes. He want to understand and estimate growth provided there is enough resoruces for continous growth. 
     * Microbe - corm - reproduces via corms. 
     * First day it generates "3" corms. ==> For next three days it generates "3" each day. ==> Each corm will become another microbe in a day - on the same day it is born. 
     * After "3" days --> the corm will generate "2" new corms for next two days. 
     * after five days (3 + 2) cycle repeats. 
     * It dies after 51 days. 
     * Each corm starts following same cycle on the day they are born. They don't reproduce on the same day, but they will add "3" more micros from next day on-wards.
     ** After 365 days, how many corms will be there in the colony.  
    ** TODO: Make this post a little better. 
    ** TODO: Write  solution(s)
  • రూమీ -౩

    నేఁ చెప్పాల్సిందంతా ఇంతే,
    ఆపై అంతా నీలోనేఁ.

    ఇంకా చీకటి తడుతుంటే,
    మరింత తపించు.

    ఆ తపస్సే నీకు దివిటీ

  • Old man on deathbed

    Met an old man
    on deathbed.

    He smiled with grace,
    and said with conviction.

    “Time is the only currency –
    Love is the only worthy pursuit.”

    I never forgot,
    I never understood,
    until this day.

    the golden
    silver clouds
    are all gone.

    is shining bright.

    Alas! too late for me!!
    Maybe not of you.

  • కాల బాణం

    వలస పక్షి ఆగకుండా ఎగిరి – సముద్రాలు దాటి
    అలసి సొలసి ఆశగా చేరి – తరు తీరానికి
    గూడు కోసం ఆనాటి జాగా – ఎరుకలేని
    మేటైన మిద్దెల శ్రేణుల వాసిగా – మూన్నెళ్లలో మారి
    చూసి, అవాక్కై, నమ్మలేక – సంద్రమంత బాధతో
    నాలుగు వలయాలు వేసి – కన్నీరు కరిపించి
    ఊపిరి ఉగ్గవెట్టి – ఉసూరున ఎగిరి దిశలేక
    మరో ఓటి జాగకై చూస్తూ – ఏరు దాటింది.

    తరాల చిరునామా తెగిపొయింది. కాలం ఒక బాణం –
    ముందుకేగాని, వెనక్కు సాగదదిగదా.

  • రూమి – ౨

    కల్లంలో చీమలా,
    ఎల్లంతా మోస్తూ,
    చల్లంగా వున్నాంగా!

  • I am at Nirvana

    In the beginning –

    I was a white paper,
    majestic, white and pleasing.

    I was filled with ink of multitudes of colors,
    crushed between two hot sheets.
    My whole body was burning,
    like in a hot coal fire –
    but without any smog or soot.

    Then, I was looked upon
    examined by disappointed eyes,
    Crumbled, fumbled and tumbled.

    Then, I flew into lazy river,
    wet, cold, damp, squishy.

    I am at Nirvana.
    now I lost myself.
    no longer exists as me,
    rather just part of the flow.