I built a glass lighthouse tower
And filled with fog
Only entagled can peak in.
The machines taken over in a night
Fancy vision they probed deep
Feeling me naked –
In my own foggy lighthouse glass tower.

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I built a glass lighthouse tower
And filled with fog
Only entagled can peak in.
The machines taken over in a night
Fancy vision they probed deep
Feeling me naked –
In my own foggy lighthouse glass tower.
I wrote a poem like I usually do sometimes.
One of my friends asked metaAI to explain it, it did OK. But some Brilliance I could see, which used to be reserved for humans until recently.
Today, I asked chatGTP same question and below is its lengthy explanation. It captured essence of poem very well.
This poem captures a sense of exhaustion, determination, and the pursuit of a goal, possibly against a backdrop of inner conflict or hardship. Here’s an interpretation of its key elements:
The poem speaks to anyone who has faced challenges yet refuses to give in, finding strength in their determination and the dream of a better outcome.
Original Poem:
Middle of the journey,
My eyes are burdened, burning and bright red.
I can not stop now,
Time for my three shot poison.
Across the lake,
where Salmon sheds salt,
there lies my flag.
I keep rolling
day after day.
Middle of the journey,
My eyes are burdened, burning and bright red.
I can not stop now,
Time for my three shot poison.
Across the lake,
where Salmon sheds salt,
there lies my flag.
I keep rolling
day after day.
* Medical research lab.
* Phd - student.
* microbe - analyze its life cycle.
* If you start a microbe colony with a single microbe - it is growing extremely fast compared to other microbes. He want to understand and estimate growth provided there is enough resoruces for continous growth.
* Microbe - corm - reproduces via corms.
* First day it generates "3" corms. ==> For next three days it generates "3" each day. ==> Each corm will become another microbe in a day - on the same day it is born.
* After "3" days --> the corm will generate "2" new corms for next two days.
* after five days (3 + 2) cycle repeats.
* It dies after 51 days.
* Each corm starts following same cycle on the day they are born. They don't reproduce on the same day, but they will add "3" more micros from next day on-wards.
** After 365 days, how many corms will be there in the colony.
** TODO: Make this post a little better.
** TODO: Write solution(s)
Met an old man
on deathbed.
He smiled with grace,
and said with conviction.
“Time is the only currency –
Love is the only worthy pursuit.”
I never forgot,
I never understood,
until this day.
the golden
silver clouds
are all gone.
is shining bright.
Alas! too late for me!!
Maybe not of you.
వలస పక్షి ఆగకుండా ఎగిరి – సముద్రాలు దాటి
అలసి సొలసి ఆశగా చేరి – తరు తీరానికి
గూడు కోసం ఆనాటి జాగా – ఎరుకలేని
మేటైన మిద్దెల శ్రేణుల వాసిగా – మూన్నెళ్లలో మారి
చూసి, అవాక్కై, నమ్మలేక – సంద్రమంత బాధతో
నాలుగు వలయాలు వేసి – కన్నీరు కరిపించి
ఊపిరి ఉగ్గవెట్టి – ఉసూరున ఎగిరి దిశలేక
మరో ఓటి జాగకై చూస్తూ – ఏరు దాటింది.
తరాల చిరునామా తెగిపొయింది. కాలం ఒక బాణం –
ముందుకేగాని, వెనక్కు సాగదదిగదా.
In the beginning –
I was a white paper,
majestic, white and pleasing.
I was filled with ink of multitudes of colors,
crushed between two hot sheets.
My whole body was burning,
like in a hot coal fire –
but without any smog or soot.
Then, I was looked upon
examined by disappointed eyes,
Crumbled, fumbled and tumbled.
Then, I flew into lazy river,
wet, cold, damp, squishy.
I am at Nirvana.
now I lost myself.
no longer exists as me,
rather just part of the flow.